Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!

Lemuria Unfolding

Message Series

One of the beautiful purposes i, Lemurian High Priestess White Feather, have, is to share of the New from the Crystals as well as of the Lemurian essence and how to grow there. 

🩵 On the 1st of the month, you receive some insights from the beautiful abundance of the Crytsals ~ supporting us to transform and shift into the New. And once there, gifting us with their lightful, loving presence to do the same.

🩵 On the 21st of the month, you receive some Lemurian insights ~ supporting us to transform and shift into the New, into Paradise.

💌  This and more is also shared in our Telegram & YouTube channel


May a crystalline shining ray lighten up your chosen path❣️ 

Thank you for making all the steps you are taking!

Thank you for Being YOU!

With Love, Lemurian Light &

deep Gratitude for who you are 


Lemurian High Priestess White Feather

the Voice ~ calling in and guiding to 

Crystalline Lemurian

Remembrance & Beyond

Mother of the Remembrance Sign

Author, Artist, Called to guide into the New

Crystalline New Wisdom

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Wir lassen jegliche Auswertungen und was es sonst noch gäbe weg - jeder ist ein freier Mensch und darf noch freier werden 😍