Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!


Remembrance to the 

«i AM»

Time to be happy.

This CardDeck is now manifested. 

The channeling of 44 messages, mainly from Water- and CrystalBeings, in pictures and words.

They offer a powerful potential to transport the deepest part of the soul to the surface. Those who really and sincerely work with it have the opportunity to dive deeply within themselves in order to develop into the lightness of their being and to live their true "i AM“.

The messages give us accompaniment to walk through the TransformationalTimes with ourselves as well as for and with Mother Earth, to grow into the new times.

The set contains 44 art cards printed in Switzerland on recycled paper using a high-quality 4-color offset process.

With the english version you may purchase the e-book, a printed version with all the pictures in a large 21x21cm format may be published as we proceed. 


We invite you to join our channel on Telegram, where you will get nice impulses to our livepaths.

Thank you for being on your path! 

With Love, Light & Gratitude

White Feather

the Voice ~ calling in to 

Crystalline Lemurian

Remembrance & Beyond


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