Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!


With everything we offer, we create out of the Now and in togetherness with Great Spirit!

Crystalline HeartSpace

PersonalSpace Authentic Beauty RadiantStrength

The Crystalline HeartSpace is of profound meaning. It carries us into Lemurian Remembrance & Beyond.

Its power, love and wisdom are significantly pathbreaking!

We will continually offer circles where the participants have the opportunity to get to know and explore their own Crystalline HeartSpace to then powerfully work with it. For one’s self, in relation to the personal environments as well as for the global.



Profound Sound Journey Freedom

Would you like to proceed towards your true «i AM»?

Sacred Sound leads into a transformative spoken Journey offering to proceed into the truth of your «i AM».

The energy being created touches and transforms deeply.

CoCreating within these weekly circles, potentiates the personal growth significantly.

Date      Monday’s 8pm CET (Bern)

Duration ~ 60 Minutes

Form     Live and/or recording

Price     starting at CHF/USD 12.-


Journey Heal ReStore 

The water is calling us, it wants to communicate with us, be healed, heal and wishes for us to be in beautiful gatherings. We are happy to answer this call and regularly immerse ourselves in its wisdom. 

Meditation and healing for, by and with the water as well as for and with you.

Date      11th of the month

Form     Live online or recording

Price     it’s a present, feel free to
donate into the «Foundation of Remembrance»

It is required, you regularly attend our circles, at least SoulFreeingShine

for Your Being

with Love, Light & Gratitude

As long as online is working, all support is via Zoom (except Remembrance ceremonies). 


You will get the link, as soon as you applied and payed for it. Further Details please see below.


Valid for everything: money is short? Ask us, we will find a way!

Do you have a lot of money recourses - Those who are able to gift extra donations assist the Ones who thankfully accept the

nourishing present of support.

The Remembrance Sign came into manifestation to support us.

You may download and print it free of charge on this website

Despite my actual situation (after being called to let it all go and have these initiations), I have made products that can support us. As soon as i will be financially back on my feet again, I will let all profits from these products flow to the Foundation of Remembrance.

USEFUL INFORMATION for the Online-offers!

Zoom serves as our platform. When we join together live, it is always your own choice, if you’d like to make yourself visible. 

After you have registered and we have received the payment, you will get a link, which will allow us to connect live. Most sessions are being recorded and will be delivered to you within 24 hours.

Alternatively, you can also transfer to the following IBAN CH56 0077 4000 4210 16 600

Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Bitte lese unsere Datenschutzerklärung für Details. 

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Wir lassen jegliche Auswertungen und was es sonst noch gäbe weg - jeder ist ein freier Mensch und darf noch freier werden 😍