Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!

Corina White Feather’s


A warm Welcome!

Do you hear your inner call to YOUR Remembrance, to grow and dance into the New?

We invite you to step in and thrive along with us. 

Your contribution of traveling along may be a suggestion of your choice. 

                    to let us know about your idea of CoCeation. 

Thank you for being YOU❣️

with Love, Light & Gratitude

White Feather  

the Voice ~ calling in to 

Crystalline Lemurian

Remembrance & Beyond

Our offering   Weekly SoulFreeingShine (special price)
Monthly i AM Presence or equivalent

                             Live Circles held every 8 weeks for approximately 60 - 90 minutes

                                 Shares and exchanges of members, questions to White Feather

                                 Practices with the Crystalline HeartSpace

                                 Share of New Knowledge to Crystals, Remembrance and its Sign, new lifestyles, ...

                                 Guidance and practices to grow into the New, Nourishings & LiftUps

                             Platform of exchange for all members including impulses through White Feather       

                             Exclusive recordings of meditations, sound, sharings, ...

                             Special spontanious gatherings as time/members require

                             20% on 9WeekProgress

                             20% on the workshop Crystalline HeartSpace (PackagePrice Circle/Workshop)

                             10% on all products, further special offers

                             CHF/USD 12.- go into the Foundation of Remembrance

                             And more, as we travel on

Requirement   Workshop Crystalline HeartSpace, commitment to the call of Your Remembrance

Your offering  CHF/USD 1425.- or 119.- monthly, entrance is possible at any time, pro rata till the end of a calendar year

    Those who are able to gift extra donations assist the ones who thankfully accept 

    the nourishing present of support.

2024 LiveEvents @ 8pm ZürichTime, 2pm Eastern US

January 13th

March 9th

May 4th

June 29th

August 24th

October 19st

December 14th

Free your Soul! Let us thrive together!

Lemurian High Priestess White Feather

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Wir lassen jegliche Auswertungen und was es sonst noch gäbe weg - jeder ist ein freier Mensch und darf noch freier werden 😍