Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!
White Feather ⨀ &
White Spirit Bear
A warm welcome❣️
Thank you so much for being here!
When White Spirit Bear and I first met, almost immediately it was made clear to us, by the Spirits, that our tasks and what we bring together make a Whole.
We picked up on this calling we sensed and are so delighted to serve the ‚Universal Whole‘ and for us all to grow into the new existence, into Paradise. When we say ‚us all‘ we include animals, plants, rocks, waters and humans. With whatever we are doing, we always enclose them all!
With everything we do, we create out of the moment, guided by the Spirits and your Souls. So therefore, very often, we just invite to gather and see where we are guided to. We know it takes courage to apply to such an event.
You may call us to work with you individually.
With whatever White Spirit Bear or I are supporting on an individual basis, the Spirit of the other is along. For you this means, our working is potentiated.
As a team, we may also work for you.
In such a case, both of us are physically present. We recommend this to people who have already walked a longer healing-path and can handle the energy we create. We also and deeply recommend it to friends, couples or families. Of course, all genders are welcome!
Both we mostly do online. Conditions to our offerings you find here.
Our passion lies in holding ceremonies and creating space for physical and online SoulFreeingCircles.
Please contact us so we can talk about the possibilities. We look so much forward to being with you!
Ready to get up and go?
Open your heart and we invite you to let us take you from there!
for Your Being
with Love, Light & Gratitude
White Feather ☉ & White Spirit Bear
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