Call of Remembrance - free your soul!


Does it call you for rest, clarification, sorting out or resting?

The sounds of my instruments touch you deeply and give you 

s p a c e, liberate you, transform. I play my more than 20 instruments with sincere devotion and deep intuition. Some of them I built myself or were created for me. Others unfolded through loving monks or are unique in the world.

We humans are made up of 90% water. When water is played on, it creates a visible vibration, a wonderful, cosmic resonance. Water can also store information (see WaterPage). So what might a KlangKraft release, move and sustainably continue to vibrate in our body ...

The sounds of my original instruments also reach the whole of being, the soul, through the ear.

By a KlangKraft, you may be led into your center, into peace, or topics that you are currently carrying with you are being clarified.

We enter the KlangKraft with a wish. Then I let myself be guided, in deep connection with the great forces, for the sounds to unfold your resonance.

A KlangKraft may complement a FreeSoulJourney or they can even vibrate with one another.

It can resolve incrustations, old patterns, sadness or confusion. She supports you in finding new ways, gladly in connection with a FreeSoulJourney or coaching.

Would you like to open your heart and listen to the sounds that unfold for you?


Groups, including a subsequent brunch, snack or meal, on request.

Look forward to moments that will strengthen you!

White Feather invites you: 

get up and go❣️

for Your Being

with Love, Light & Gratitude


Corina White Feather


Extract from my kaleidoscope

                                                                        4-7 Pers./Pers.     ab 8 Pers./Pers.

FreeSoulJourney                         CHF 170.-

Coaching                                     CHF 170.-

KlangKraft 90’ 1-3 People            CHF 190.-    CHF  58.-                  CHF  42.-

KlangKraft 60’ 1-3 People            CHF 150.-    CHF  40.-                  CHF  35.-

KlangKraft 30’ 1-3 People            CHF   75.-    CHF  25.-                  CHF  18.-

KlangKraft for pregnant women    upon reqest

KraftBild    1-2 People                  CHF 640.-    CHF 300.- (3-7 Pers.) CHF 190.-


Yoga Private 90’ 1-3 People                CHF 150.-    CHF  39.-                 CHF  25.-

Meditation 60’ 1-3 People             CHF 120.-    CHF  30.-                 CHF  25.-

Meditation 30’ 1-3 People             CHF   65.-    CHF  25.-                 CHF  18.-


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